Objets-trouves.fr user reviews
✔️ On this page, you’ll find reviews from users of the Objets-trouves.fr platform in english, to view the reviews in French click here.
📄 It’s easy to send us your opinion, feedback and/or recommendations for improving our platform and our reporting system.
Share your opinion :
To send us your feedback, please send a message to this address:
review (the at sign) objets-trouves (a dot) fr
Thank you very much for your feedback !
Your feedback is very important to us, whether positive, neutral or with points for improvement.
Your feedback is very useful for improving our platform and our reporting system.
The “human” element is at the heart of our platform : we know how emotionally charged the loss of an item can be.
For our team, it’s essential to report lost items as if they were our own.
To guarantee the quality of our services, we ask our users to contribute financially to the setting up of a team available 7 days a week.
Each report is handled by one or more members of our team.
Our aim is to continue to offer the most comprehensive reporting system possible, but one that is also as “human” as possible.
While the development of artificial intelligence technologies is regularly highlighted in the news, our platform has chosen to focus on the human element for a better quality of service.
List of recent platform user reviews
We’ve received thousands of reviews since the site was launched. Here’s an extract with a list of recent reviews less than 3 months old :
Review of Raph : “Appreciate the English version”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Christoph : “At the beginning of the process it must be said that there is a fee of 12 euros.”
Rating : 4/5
Review of Alix : “Hardest part is finding the state/provence in the form”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Kenneth : “It seems thorough. I am encouraged in my work”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Richard : “The country locations was not good”
Rating : 2/5
Review of Carlo : “I did not realize this required payment up front.”
Rating : 4/5
Review of Lawrence : “Very good”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Maren : “Happy that there is a chance to get my lost items back. Thank you”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Larry : “The information was clear, and the form uncomplicated( even for an elderly man). How simple to have everything in English!”
Rating : 5/5
Review of James : “Very clear instructions”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Danilo : “Quick and easy.”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Eunghee : “Thank you for your hard working Pls help me to found my items”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Rahila : “Very long difficult to find country”
Rating : 1/5
Review of Jefrrey : “I didn’t find the USA as an an option for the address field in the report form so I used France.”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Anes : “Good to have you. I wish my bag will be found 🙏”
Rating : 5/5
Review of William : “Very clear and simple. I hope someone gives my suit to you and you call me.”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Anna : “User friendly”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Ali : “I could find the reporting form quickly by searching in google.”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Peter : “Tried paying with Apple Pay but was told to fill in card details. For the next users, please ensure that we haven’t been charged more than once.”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Cornelia : “Very good Service”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Willem : “My adres line was not easy to fill in and there is no reassurance that I will have a reply on my search”
Rating : 4/5
Review of Denise : “Provide a field to write the name of the credit card owner, as it might not be the same as the person filling out the form. Inform from the beginning that there is a service fee. Otherwise the form is easy to fill out and great that you provide this service in English too.”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Brigitte : “It is a good idea”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Irena : “It seems professional to me”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Dan : “Great site”
Rating : 5/5
Review of Dalma : “The report form is transparent, practical and easy to follow. However I would appreciate if I could attach a picture of my lost item and if I could step back to correct my answers if I forgot something to write earlier.”
Rating : 5/5
Help us improve our platform
Every feedback can help us to improve the services we offer.
If you notice a technical problem, such as a significant slowness in site loading time, please let us know by contacting our technical team via our contact page.
We thank you in advance!